Booking & Cancellation Policy
Check-in time is at 2 pm, and check-out time is at 11 am. Early check-ins and late check-outs can only be accommodated based on availability and are chargeable. Our Guest Relationship Manager will be able to confirm availability and cost 12h prior.
Minimum age of the primary guest must be at least 18 years.
As per government regulations, it is mandatory for all the guests to carry a valid photo identity card and address proof at the time of check-in. (PAN cards are not accepted). We would not be able to proceed with the check-in without these documents and would consider the booking as “no show” (no refund possible).
100% refund if the cancellation is done 15 days before the check-in date
50% refund if the cancellation is done within 7 to 15 days of the check-in date
No refund within 7 days of check-in date
We deduct bank charges/ transaction fees, if any, from the amount refunded (depending on the method of payment). The refund will reflect within 15 working days in your bank account.